Saturday, February 16, 2013

Broccoflower from space

     Getting these fresh veggies every week has been a lot of fun. I posted this pic on my facebook page, because...honestly, I didnt know what it was. I was scared. It is something I would have NEVER bought in a supermarket. My friends wer VERY helpful I was told it was a Romanesco broccoli or a Broccoflower.

     Hmmm...I was also given a suggestion to prepare it. So here is what I did;

I cut the broccoflower up in florets and steamed it to the point I could easily pierce it with a fork.
While it was steaming I had prepared a small dish with some melted butter and fresh pressed garlic.
I poured the the garlic butter over the freshly steamed broccoflower and lightly added some salt and pepper.

     It was delicious! The kids were not so sure of it. Im not too worried about the kids. I read that foods have to be introduced several times to a child before they decide if they like it or not. Every time you serve it, they see you eat it, they smell it, they taste it, they are getting to know the taste and consistency. My two bigger kids dont have any food aversions. Im not into forcing my children to eat. There is plenty of healthy options available in my home and we have very few unhealthy choices. The broccoflower was fun and delicious and it will be served again and again. They will like it eventually. :o)

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